Phantasy Star

I never owned a SEGA Master System, but I fondly remember some of its games which I played at a friend's place. The SMS hardware was pretty good so it's a shame that the system has such a small library and never go to realize its potential in the way the NES did.

One of the best games for the system was, almost without question, Phantasy Star, an RPG released in 1987. It's similar to the forerunner Ultima in its presentation, with the first person dungeons and a mixing of fantasy and sci-fi. Of course, Phantasy Star's graphical presentation has more meat to it than Ultima's, but I think it also bests its contemporaries, Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. Makes me wonder how Toriyama's excellent Dragon Quest designs would've looked if DQ had been released on the SMS...

Anyways, Phantasy Star project page in the works.


-=Y=- said...

BTW do you know about openXcom? This is near finished version of xcom.
If you want made xcom-like game, why dont start directly from xcom?
You can start right now by forking source base from :)

Only problem you could have is that openXcom use only original file formats. Because of that whole game use only 255 colors internally.

Arne said...

Interesting. I saw a multiplayer version recently where you could play as aliens. Maybe this was it.

I think my Phantasy Star version here would be rather different in regards to many small details, like playable characters, weapons, research system, lack of rubber banding, different alien guys, invasion mechanics, etc. It'd be 32-bit WUXGA or something too.

-=Y=- said...

that was UFO: The Two Sides (now dead).

Anonymous said...

totally OT:

Arne said...

Kamen Rider has such a cool helmet. I was thinking of giving Mach Rider a similar treatment. Could be taken in a Space Harrier direction too. Or Fallout.

Dylan Green said...

Against my better judgement I keep checking this daily in hopes that there will be some tiny scrap more of artwork. This is such an amazingly cool idea that I can't stop daydreaming about it!

Arne said...

I derailed when doing the weapon art, which I never uploaded. Just got better from the winter vomits but now other projects beckon.

Dylan Green said...

Well I want you to know that your work helped me to overcome one of the great stumbling blocks I've had in my own project. Thanks a lot!

EY said...

I found your site recently, and really enjoy your work. I was sorry to find out that you've abandoned your Starguard/Star Gladius project. It would have been nice to get some real 1/72 SF miniatures out there.